It is that so-called “insignificant encounter” that Murakami focuses on to develop beautiful short stories.
Tag: Haruki Murakami
Limited Time Deal: Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood $2.99/250yen
Sorry, you missed this deal! This is an e-book only deal on iBooks and Amazon and will last only 24hrs, so grab it now by clicking the green “More info” button on the left. Norwegian Wood ノルウェイの森 (Noruwei no Mori) First published in Japanese in 1987. Translated into English by Alfred Brinbaum in 1989, then More…
Kanji: The Shadowy Middle Ground, by Eve Kushner

(“Cat nose” photo credit: gratisography) In all the years I’ve been studying Japanese, one of my dreams has been to read Haruki Murakami in Japanese. I mean, I’ve done it, using annotated readers to study two of his essays, but it’s hardly the same as picking up his novels and breezing through them unassisted. Anyway, More…
Killing Commendatore — A Self-Portrait of Murakami’s Literary Landscape
Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami (Translated by Philip Gabriel and Ted Goossen) (Harvill Secker, Penguin U.K., 2018) Reviewed by Renae Lucas-Hall A trend has developed over the past few years whenever there’s a discussion on Haruki Murakami or a review of his latest book. Murakami is a prolific writer, novelist, and translator who has written More…