Cathy Hirano (Translator)

(Author photo by Skye Hohmann)

Cathy Hirano lives in Shikoku, Japan and has translated a variety of books including best-selling authors Marie Kondo and Nahoko Uehashi.

NEW RELEASE! An enthralling fantasy story from one of Japan’s most popular writers of teen fiction, and which has been turned into a popular anime series

Balsa was a wanderer and warrior for hire…

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The second book in the Moribito Series Balsa returns to her native Kanbal to clear the name of Jiguro, her mentor, who saved her life when she was six years old.

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With over 13,000 reviews on Amazon, Marie Kondo, with the help of Cathy Hirano, can truly say she has changed the world!

Support BOA by ordering The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up through these links:

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Tidying is the act of confronting yourself; cleaning is the act of confronting nature…

Support BOA by ordering Spark Joy through these links:

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